About us

Honoring excellence in wellness

Imagine a place where wellness isn’t just a program but a way of life, woven into the very fabric of the community. The ICAA NuStep Beacon and Pinnacle Awards celebrate senior living communities, wellness directors, and executives who have achieved this ideal. Guided by the dimensions of wellness, these leaders collaborate with residents, members, and staff to craft meaningful opportunities that empower and inspire individuals to live better and longer.


Our mission

The ICAA NuStep Beacon and Pinnacle Awards recognize the best and the brightest—those whose achievements and innovations in wellness stand out as extraordinary. These awards serve as guiding lights for the entire active-aging industry, celebrating the senior living communities and leaders whose commitment to wellness is exemplary.

Although there are a limited number of Beacon and Pinnacle Award recipients, every entrant is already a winner. Every person whose life is improved through a renewed focus on wellness—whether staff, resident, or member—has already achieved victory.

To find out if you qualify, click here. If you do, complete the application and gain recognition throughout North America with the exclusive Beacon and Pinnacle Awards.

And if you win, don't thank us.

We'll be thanking you.

Colin Milner, CEO and Founder, International Council on Active Aging
Jane Benskey, Marketing Communications Specialist, NuStep

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