
The ICAA NuStep Beacon and Pinnacle Awards honor senior living communities, wellness directors, and executives who make wellness an integral part of their organizational fabric. These leaders’ partner with residents, participants, and staff to foster environments where wellness supports aging well, transforming these aspirations into realities.


When you're ready to apply, think like an investigative journalist. Delve into the who, what, when, where, how, and why of your wellness initiatives. Your goal is to illuminate the most unique and outstanding facets of your wellness culture.

Here are some critical points to consider

Steps for submission

  1. Choose your category: Identify the category that best fits your community.
  2. Follow directions: Carefully read and respond to each question.
  3. Upload materials: Provide images and materials as requested, as they will only be accepted through this application.

Important dates

Ensure your completed application is submitted electronically by September 1, 2024. This is your opportunity to showcase how your community not only embraces wellness but also sets a benchmark for others to follow.


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