Winners resources

There's nothing like an ICAA NuStep Beacon or Pinnacle Award to make you stand out brightly.

Every marketer understands the challenges of achieving top-of-mind awareness. An ICAA NuStep Beacon or Pinnacle Award can put you light years ahead of your competitors.

Only the best receive them

The Beacon and Pinnacle Awards identify you as an innovator—a leader in wellness and in the services you provide—making your organization a more attractive and desirable place to live, visit, and work.

Chosen by industry professionals

Being voted an ICAA NuStep Beacon or Pinnacle Award winner by a panel of respected industry experts quickly positions you above the rest. Prospective customers, members, and staff will all notice this prestigious accolade.

Prestige for you and your staff

Everyone needs ongoing encouragement and support. Winning an ICAA NuStep Beacon or Pinnacle Award is a point of pride for you, your staff, and your entire organization.

Earn valuable media coverage

Share your success with local and regional media to receive wider publicity. Along with a stunning crystal trophy, you’ll receive prepared materials, including a ICAA NuStep Beacon or Pinnacle Award logo, press release, and pre-formatted social media announcements—all of which add power to your marketing program with minimal effort.

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